Nature's Balance Forest Therapy

The Forest is the Therapist - the Guide Opens the Doors
~Amos Clifford

Remember your nature relationship. Rediscover your balance.


What Is Forest Therapy & How It Works

Forest Bathing




Which option is right for you?

Individual Walk

Designed for the individual participant preferring a solo experience.

Couples Walk

This walk is designed to accommodate couples who want to have an individual experience but with their partner.

Group Walk

Groups may schedule a walk, or you may join a scheduled group walk with other participants.

Nature Balance Retreat

Tailor a multi-day wellness retreat to meet your individual needs.

The Guide

Meet your guide.

The Forest is the Therapist - the Guide opens the doors. ~Amos Clifford

Hi! I am Anna Marie Nachman, your Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs (ANFT) Certified guide. I am a life-long resident of Pennsylvania. I live with my husband not far from my childhood home. We own 24 acres of mostly forested land in the central part of the state known as the Pennsylvania Wilds. Together, we own and operate a bed and breakfast.

I have a deep love of nature. As a child, I spent much time in the forests and on streams with my parents and family. I loved climbing trees in my backyard, hiking, foraging for wild mushrooms, and fishing for trout. My relationship with nature runs deep and I feel most ‘at home’ in nature. I believe this is part of the reason that I decided to become a certified forest therapy guide with the ANFT. I completed my training in July, 2021.

I very much look forward to offering Forest Therapy/Forest Bathing to our guests and to anyone wishing to remember their own connection with the more-than-human world of nature and to accompany and support you through the experience. It is my hope that with my partner, the forest, I will open the doors to the possibility of an encounter that will balance your body, mind, and spirit as you recognize and embody the whole of who you are.

Anna Marie Nachman

Mission & Vision experience that will balance body, mind, and spirit...

My mission is to provide a safe, guided Shinrin-yoku, or Forest Bathing experience that will balance body, mind, and spirit with the help of the more-than-human world of nature. I will accompany and support participants on their journeys as they encounter and embody the whole of who they are. The vision is to witness other’s encounters with the More-Than-Human World as they use all of their senses. Through these encounters, they will be able to remember and recognize their relationship with nature, and that the experience can have positive impacts in the present moment and beyond.

Nature's Balance Forest Therapy Logo


What Participants Say

I would recommend as an experience to help a person learn to relax using the nature that surrounds us. My guide, Anna Marie, made this easy to do. And in doing so, my time was enjoyable and relaxing.
The walk is a great way to re-center and calm down. In terms of 'self-care' it makes more sense for someone to invest time and money into their well-being and take time to calm their minds by spending time enjoying the beauty of nature.
If you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed by modern life, treat yourself to this experience. Prepare to discover nature in a new, fundamental way that will leave you feeling refreshed and centered.
There is a difference in being solo outdoors and experiencing it with a guide and others. Anna Marie's prompts or offerings were just right to give us a point of focus for each period of quiet noticing. Coming back together to discuss what we did was remarkable. Realizing the value in each person who attended the walk, respecting what they had to share and witnessing the outpouring of emotions from nearly every person was a blessing. I have spent a lot of time wandering from deserts to mountains, to sea shores, yet have never experienced a connection like this with people I did not know before we started.
Forest Canopy
I am so glad I attended the Forest Bathing retreat! I learned some skills that will surely benefit my physical and psychological well-being. My relationship with the forest will be forever richer. I prefer to be alone in the forest, but to my surprise, I really enjoyed and benefited, in ways that I am just beginning to process, from this experience with the wonderful group of people. Much to ponder and explore.